What is Ruby on Rails?


Ruby on Rails is an open source web development framework, which provides a scalable way to quickly build database-driven web applications with high quality.

There are two main thoughts in Ruby on Rails–Convention over Configuration (CoC) and Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY). The principle behind CoC is that only unconventional aspects of the application need to be specified; otherwise, they follow the established standard. This principle simplified the configuration work really a lot, it helps to concentrate not on the insignificant settings, but on the specification of the work. DRY requires that information should be placed in a single, unambiguous location to ensure a single point of reference and avoid hidden errors.

The building blocks and principles behind Ruby on Rails allow for tremendous development speed while minimizing code lines and errors. Rails development takes the advantage of decades of web development experiences, it knows deeply how a web application’s structure should be, and that makes it really simple to use, maintain, and extend. Through our client deployments, and projects of other communities or Rails development teams, Ruby on Rails has been proven an extremely powerful and scalable web development framework capable of handling millions of transactions and page views per day.

Check more in wikipedia/ruby on rails.

Why Ruby on Rails

  • Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application development framework, it emphasize Agile and high-quality development.
  • Model-View-Controller frame of Rails becomes a widely accepted web development structure. It is smart and effective. Traditional web development is learning the soul of Rails and Agile.
  • RoR advocate effective elegant code and easier configuration with great quality, stability, scalability and security.
  • RoR will shorten the development time, relatively software engineers pay more attention and energy than of traditional web development on functions and qualities. Thus the development cost is obviously cut down while the code quality get better.

What we have done in Rails

We work with the latest version of Rails and always ensure that we upgrade the websites we support to the newest versions. This gives us the flexibility to adapt to changing requirements seamlessly.

Our largest Rails application spans across 5 machines, handling thousands of requests per day.

We employ automated deployment scripts (Capistrano) to efficiently manage the entire system.

In our production environments, we rely on the Nginx webserver, which offers exceptional speed and performance.