get the gem from here
How to fix the Missing error
get the gem from here
How to fix the Missing error
guda@guda-laptop:~$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/myfonts
guda@guda-laptop:~$ cd myfonts/
guda@guda-laptop:~/myfonts$ sudo cp *.ttf /usr/share/fonts/myfonts/
guda@guda-laptop:~/myfonts$ sudo fc-cache -f
Font sources:
Perform one of the following:
Finally our twitterized version of is ready. But! When in production – read with many connection – the memcached get overloaded by not closed connections and on 1024 it says
“accept(): Too many open file” and memcached dies.
After 1 day investigating the problem we have found that the following line in the initializers is causing the problem
We havent investigating deeper but when commenting this line everything works fine.
We have tested with Rails 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 with memcache-client-1.7.4
Good resources
Book –
You have to install the latest alsa.
Then replace the existing kernel modules with the just build one. Then run depmod -a as point kilbasar here
sudo su cd /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/ mv snd-hda-intel.ko snd-hda-intel.ko.bak ln -s /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko cd /usr/src/alsa/alsa-driver-1.0.16rc2/modules cp * /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/sound/ depmod -a
Section "Monitor" Identifier "External DVI" # 1680x1050 74.89 Hz (CVT 1.76MA) hsync: 82.31 kHz; pclk: 187.00 MHz Modeline "1680x1050_75.00" 187.00 1680 1800 1976 2272 1050 1053 1059 1099 -hsync +vsync # 1680x1050 59.95 Hz (CVT 1.76MA) hsync: 65.29 kHz; pclk: 146.25 MHz Modeline "1680x1050_60.00" 146.25 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync # 1680x1050 69.88 Hz (CVT) hsync: 76.58 kHz; pclk: 174.00 MHz Modeline "1680x1050_70.00" 174.00 1680 1800 1976 2272 1050 1053 1059 1096 -hsync +vsync Option "PreferedMode" "1280x1024_75.00" EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "Configured Screen Device" Device "Configured Video Device" SubSection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "1680x1050" "1024x768" "640x480" Virtual 2960 1050 EndSubSection EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "Configured Video Device" Option "Monitor-DVI-0" "External DVI" EndSection
I noticed simillar post here
sudo aptitude install mc vim subversion screen pidgin meld curl links2 vim-ruby vim-gnome vim-doc vim-scripts vim-ruby vim-perl \ subversion git-core bluefish kompozer\ libmysqlclient15off libmysqlclient15-dev mysql-common mysql-client \ libmysql-ruby1.8 irb ruby1.8 rdoc ri rake \ apt-utils build-essential ruby1.8-dev mysql-server memcached libxslt1-dev libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev unzip gzip mytop openssl \ libopenssl-ruby libmagick9-dev imagemagick librmagick-ruby1.8 imagemagick librmagick-ruby-doc libmagick9-dev ruby1.8-dev \ libdbd-sqlite3-ruby libsqlite3-ruby sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.8 /usr/bin/ruby mkdir ruby_install cd ruby_install wget tar xzvf ruby* cd rubygems-1.3.5 ruby setup.rb cd .. cd .. ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem gem install rails mysql mongrel mongrel_cluster rails paperclip will_paginate andand \ json feed-normalizer hpricot mechanize ruby-debug uuid ruport ruport-util acts_as_reportable \ rufus-scheduler annotate openwferu-scheduler production_log_analyzer capistrano-ext libxml-ruby twitter capistrano wirble RedCloth rspec-rails sqlite3-ruby \ --no-ri --no-rdoc gem install rmagick -v 1.15.12 ruby -rrubygems -e "require 'RMagick'; puts Magick::Long_version;" cat > /home/guda/.irbrc require 'rubygems' require 'wirble' Wirble.init Wirble.colorize require 'logger' if ENV.include?('RAILS_ENV') && !Object.const_defined?('RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER') Object.const_set('RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER', end Gmail notification
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