
Lenovo y410 windows7 notes

Audio, Alps Touch pad and Video drivers are not installed properly for Windows 7 – Given by Lenovo.

I searched audio driver on realtek website and latest HD driver are working fine with windows 7.

I found toshiba alps touch pad driver and it is working fine. Scrolling is now working fine with touch pad.

javascript mvc compare

framework/keywords  - Google Results  - Github      Last Commit
backbone rails mvc  - 1,490,000         2432, 258   May 27, 2011
knockout rails mvc  - 383,000           495, 66     May 22, 2011
spine rails mvc     - 110,000           595, 32     about 14 hours ago
jamal rails mvc     - 77,500            12, 3       March 10, 2011
aframe rails mvc    - 8,840             1, 1        about 15 hours ago

My xfce setup

Some shortcuts

Alt + F4 Close window
Alt + F5 Maximize window
Alt + F6 Maximize vertically
Alt + F7 Maximize horizontally
Alt + F8 Hide window
Alt + F9 Shade window
Alt + F10 Stick window
Alt + Tab Cycle windows focus
Ctrl + Shft + Alt + Arrow (up, down, left, or right) Move window
Shft + Alt + Arrow (up, down, left, or right) Resize window
Shft + Alt + Page_Up Raise window
Shft + Alt + Page_Down Lower window
Alt + F11 Toggle fullscreen
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow right arrow Next workspace
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow left Previous workspace
Alt + Insert Add a workspace
Alt + Delete Delete a workspace
Ctrl + F(N) Go to workspace number N (1-9)
Alt + Ctrl + Home|End Move the window to previous|next workspace
Alt + Ctrl + keypad key number N Move a window to workspace number N (1-9)
Alt + F1 Start xfhelp4
Alt + F2 Start xfrun4
Alt + Ctrl + Delete Lock the screen

Ubuntu Unity Nonsense

Just upgraded the ubuntu to 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) and what a surprise! I got MacOS look and feel.

Doing some research and I can’t believe Gnome3 has the same STUPID look as MacOS OMG!!!

What innovation  you see at copying the same OS from MAC. I remember the days when the Linux desktop looks innovating and it was pleasure to work with so many options. Now everything is going the Apple way.

I felt depressed is there around at least one windows manager which is not influenced from Apple?

I hate Dock launchers –  looks not innovating – it looks clumsy and old. Everything which is copied clumsy!

Gnome3 – you are going on the same path as Unity!

Windows7 – is 100 times better because it has its OWN LOOK AND FEEL – I’d rather work with windows7 than on a Gnome3/Unity. Blah!

The solution?

Xfce desktop is now closes to what Gnome was


No support for write on NTFS drives.

strange keyboard – I remember how I laugh when microsoft put their logo on dedicated button on the keyboards – haha -> Apple

Usability – What are those fancy drawing on the keys, they look all the same to me, no way to rember them.

Fucked hardware – $60 for cable which cost less then $1 haha, no card reader.

Nice plastic case with big mouse pad.

I hate the way how MAC os wants to be different making some irritating changes – not revolution – only some small tweaks.

Apple Mac is for people which DON’T know how to work with computers

Netbeans is dropping Ruby/Rails

They have to put their efforts on Java. Phuuuu.

Seriozly this was the best IDE around for Ruby/Rails.

  • RubyMine – is heavy and cluttered and it is not free
  • Vim – is nice but it is NOT ide
  • RadRails – is in some beta

Here is a list of alternatives on stackoverflow and some others

Why not to choose wordpress for a publishing platform

Today when I look in my xcache I found interesting fact. Most of the wordpress pages are around  1Mb.

OMG! 1MB for a blog post. This is server/memory killer.

One more thing is that their API is total mess (very well documented) but still mess.

The blog is back

After I have upgraded the php the wordpress has decided to stop working. blah.

No error messages, no warnings, no blog.

I was doing Zen for 3 months and today I have managed to restored all the posts.

I use my blog to store some useful notes to me and I hope that they are useful to someone else also.

GPS in Bulgaria

Използване на GPS системите на Webeye

Малко реклама:

Имам приятел, който е собсвеник на транспортно-логистична фирма.  Той имаше проблем с шофьорите си, които си правеха делавери с горивото на негов гръб. За да си реши проблема и да има стриктен контрол той реши да използва GPS системи за проследяване, мониторинг и контрол.

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