
Zip Codes and Distances

The Haversine formula to calculate distances:

  • #C example
  • A lot of talking …

Get ZIP codes in range


Ruby Gems


Finding visitors via their IP address


Use Google Maps to display the results check this post here

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How to help your self if the windows expires

What is your key that you are using:


Activation console:

I have searched in Internet for some activation removal tools like RESET 5 but I cant find any active online.

How to login in expired windows:

  • click login try pressing WIN-U keys to bring out the Narrator dialog box. Then on the menu in the left, click About then click on the link for Microsoft website. IE will launch (not tested)
  • Or you could just go into safe mode with a DOS prompt; type explorer.exe and have a full safe mode machine running allowing you to bypass the activation with a hack

The conclusion is:

Use the aways the latest windows version. Turn off the windows updates to be not surprised bad.

Use cases

I will prepare some notes here for my future application use-cases web manager.

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Windows hacking

How to change the password for a user

net users
net user “user name” *

Microsoft WYSP program

Mysql gem and the mkfm error

The mysql gem was removed from the rails 2.3.2. and you need to install it via the gem install mysql command
But! There is a problem compiling it. seems that the mysql cant find the libmysql are the options:
yum install openssl openssl-devel

Configure with path to mysql_config and install the mysql api via gem:

# cd /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7
# ruby extconf.rb --with-mysql-config=/usr/bin/mysql_config
# make
# ruby ./test.rb [hostname [user [passwd [dbname [port [socket [flag]]]]]]]
# make install
# gem install mysql


And after that you can read the README.html located in the mysql gem directory :)


 sudo aptitude install libmysqlclient-dev libmysql-ruby  libmysql++-dev ruby-dev

WordPress themes

Last week I have the honor to make one wordpress website and I was amazed how good it is wordpress for such small personal websites.

Here I have found a list of wordpress templates in Internet (lost the source please forgive me).

Nice collection of links


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We bought magnolia for our garden but in the store we forgot to ask which kind of magnolia we have. I am sure that we are the only customers don’t knowing what we are buying :)

Lets find it here


магнолиите са първите цветни растения. Има храстовидни, и дървовидни представители на род магнолия. Характерно за него, е цъвтенето още по време когато дървото не се е разеленило. За съжаление, цветовете са доста красиви, и цъфналото дърво е красиво, но процесът трае само около седмица. После дървото се разеленява, и практически не може да се открои от останалите дървета, в общ пайзаж. Може да се размножава вегетатично чрез, вкореняване на резник, веднага след цъвтежа и преди раззеленяването.

MSI notebook are total scrab

For MSI Notebooks

Don’t buy MSI. Look for HP, IBM or some real brand.

  1. The lid of the laptop is breaking – I have  MSI 3 laptops and all of them are broken. One of my friends has the luck to return his laptop and now he is with a nice HP machine – lucky man. It was 6 months for repairing.
  2. The wireless is loosing connection all the time. My wife is with IBM and she is chating chating chating, and I am reconnecting, reconnecting reconecting….
    Update:The MSI lan adaptor has gone away. The only way to use Internet is via the integrated broken wireless. I hate MSI.
  3. The heat is like an oven – my son don’t want to play NFS because of the heat. Me too.
  4. The LCD screen gets on some dark and light spots very soon
  5. The material for the laptop is not good – not nice to touch. The silver color is quickly gone and ugly black places are shown
  6. If you enable the 32 bit access mode Linux kernel wont work (tested till ubunto 8.10
    1. After such try you must remove the battery start the power without any AC and return the power – is this magic ?
  7. The fan of the notebook is making awfull noise. The fan costs 40EUR and there no garantee that the new fan will be the same like the old one.
    1. The fan never stops
  8. Their support is not answering on ANY of the problems pointed here. maybe all from MSI are dead. Who knows.
  9. The microphone is very quiet and the this makes it impossible to talk with skype, btw why they have put the camara then?
  10. The mouse which they give as a bonus doesnt work – both 2 are broken, missing some clicks from time to time.
  11. Try searching for “MSI fan” in google. I got this result. Internet is full of “happy” MSI owners.


I want my money back! for all 2 laptops that I have bought.

I will publish some pictures soon.


Logs monitoring

I have been asked from one my friends who hosts many websites on single machine to help him to find which vhost is doing some slow requests.

the load of the machine from 0.5 has become 1.5. and there are some apache processess eating the CPU.

It is obvious that some php file is slowing down all the machine but who?

I found this wonderfull tool in Internet

With this script I can monitor all the pages and not sitting in the dark while some evil pages are drying the CPU power.

logrep -m tail -f 'msec>1000' -o 'ts,ip,msec,class,url' *.log

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