
strace – why I havent discovered this tool earliear!

This blog here describes some very usefull usages of strace:

Find out which config files a program reads on startup

strace php 2>&1 | grep php.ini

Why does this program not open my file?

strace -e open,access 2>&1 | grep your-filename

What is that process doing RIGHT NOW?

strace -p 15427

What is taking time?

strace -c -p 11084
You can also run this "start to finish", here with "ls":
race -c >/dev/null ls

Why the **** can’t I connect to that server?

strace -e poll,select,connect,recvfrom,sendto nc 80

X Windows for MS Windows

The one I use is Xming but it is rare. Most often I prefer the integrated in Gnome VNC.

The reason I am posting this link is that sometimes I really need and want to connect to my desktop machine in this way but I cant find good software. So I decide that my blog is the perfect place to note this.


DLNA and Media Portals

It is network link from the TV/Device to a media server

The home page

Some servers for different OS-es

another list

How to build media PC:

Continue reading

Trac administration

==Start the administration==
trac-admin /home/domains/spider/trac-dagensps

==Run the server with==
tracd –auth=*,/home/domains/spider/.passwords, –port 8000 /home/domains/spider/trac_envs/dagensps /home/domains/spider/trac_envs/trucks

==Add users==
htdigest /home/domains/spider/.passwords

==Apache Integration==
Here is what I use to start the trac in spider:
router:/home/domains/spider# cat
tracd –port 8000 \
–auth=dagensps,/home/domains/spider/.passwords, /home/domains/spider/trac_envs/dagensps \
–auth=trucks,/home/domains/spider/.passwords, /home/domains/spider/trac_envs/trucks \
–auth=bbi,/home/domains/spider/.bbi_passwords, /home/domains/spider/trac_envs/bbi/ – нулирани всички стоки


В събота изтрих всички стоки от сайта, тъй като имах грешка в паяка и стоките нарастваха без да намаляват, което разбира се беше чудесно за рекламата на сайта хм…след колко ли време ще имаме 500к стоки, но все пак си беше чисто и просто лъжа и трябваше да го оправим.

Всичките над 500 магазина бяха обиколени за по-малко от 2 дена с помоща на 4 сървъра, които здраво пропушиха от сваляне на страници.

Сред най-новите ни звезди от магазини този път е ако пишете интернет паяк ви препоръчвам да тествате паяка си в/у този сайт. Приятен дизайн и предизвикателна навигация.

Друга звезда (и то ярка) бяха “приятелите” ни от 911 бг, които упорито отказват да разрешат на паяците ни да ги индексират, но пък за сметка на това следят ревностно counter-а на и гледат са с по едно 20 хиляди отгоре. С интерес ще наблюдавам дали ще се засрамят и ще си оправят брояча на стоките след допуснатата от нас грешка.

В момента паяка е отново безгрешен и значително по-бърз. Търсенето в около 50 магазина е подобрено.

linux screen cheatsheat

Key Action Notes
Ctrl+a c new window
Ctrl+a n next window I bind F12 to this
Ctrl+a p previous window I bind F11 to this
Ctrl+a “ select window from list I have window list in the status line
Ctrl+a Ctrl+a previous window viewed
Ctrl+a S split terminal horizontally into regions Ctrl+a c to create new window there
Ctrl+a :resize resize region
Ctrl+a :fit fit screen size to new terminal size Ctrl+a F is the same. Do after resizing xterm
Ctrl+a :remove remove region Ctrl+a X is the same
Ctrl+a tab Move to next region
Ctrl+a d detach screen from terminal Start screen with -r option to reattach
Ctrl+a A set window title
Ctrl+a x lock session Enter user password to unlock
Ctrl+a [ enter scrollback/copy mode Enter to start and end copy region. Ctrl+a ] to leave this mode
Ctrl+a ] paste buffer Supports pasting between windows
Ctrl+a > write paste buffer to file useful for copying between screens
Ctrl+a < read paste buffer from file useful for pasting between screens
Ctrl+a ? show key bindings/command names Note unbound commands only in man page
Ctrl+a : goto screen command prompt up shows last command entered



  multiuser on
  acladd root mongrel

links – notify a desktop from a websites – time tracking website free – good and funny to use

Everyday SVN

I am happy that I have worked enough with the svn to see its drawbacks.

One of the drawbacks is the speeds of commits.

The second one is that my repository starts to break often. here is how I repair it when this happends:

svnadmin repair /var/lib/subversion/public/payak

then don’t forget to change the rights

chown -R  www-data:www-data /var/lib/subversion/public/payak/

Switching and merging with HEAD from some branch

Create branch:

svn copy \ \
         -m "Creating stable branch for the date sorting."
Delete branch:
svn delete -m "get rid of the new_solr branch"

svn switch .

svn switch .

svn merge

svn ci -m “Merge new solr branch with trunk”

Capistrano and Branches/Tags

I have found this snipplet for capistrano, in my case it is little bit changed so here it is:

cat config/deploy/staging.rb
set :application, "system3"
set :repository, "{application}"

set :latest_tag, "trunk"
namespace :deploy do

  desc "Asks the user for the tag to deploy"
  task :before_update_code do
    set :tag, { CLI.ui.ask "Branch to deploy (relative to #{repository}) or just hit enter to deploy latest: "}
    set :tag, "#{latest_tag}" if "#{tag}".strip.empty?
    set :repository, "#{repository}/#{tag}"

Ignoring rails files/folders

svn propset svn:ignore "*.log" log/

svn propset svn:ignore "*" tmp/

svn propset svn:ignore "*" public/photos public/services

HTML text editor WYSIWYG

  • – very well structured – I got some bugs on IE and FF
  • TinyMCE – I thing that wordpress uses this and pissed me every time I use it! I hate it even I give the 3rd place here.
  • very simple

Remote desktop sharing, online presentation

Check Gobby if you want to edit/share documents with someone.

Wow! What a wonderfull article here its free, it has win/mac/linux versions!

A free software that lets others watch your screen in real time. No need to install any software, which is a plus. Works with Windows, Mac and Linux.

CroosLoop is also very easy to use, but requires that each party install the CrossLoop software onto their computers. Uses 128-bit encryption and allows for file-sharing also.

Another popular service for remote desktop sharing. Easily access remote PC’s by installing a client software onto each machine. Good for remote PC trouble-shooting, etc.

A good free tool for online collaboration, desktop sharing, and remote PC access. No registration required, no logins, very easy to use. Uses SSH to make connections to other PC’s.

SkyFex allows remote watching and remote control in real time. Does not require additional software installation and works transparently through NAT and Firewalls. Only for IE though.

TeamViewer has a couple of features, such as remote control of PCs, screen sharing, file transfer, chat ability, and is secure. Optional install for the TeamViewer software for it to work. NonComersial version available for free.


Free client and server software for Linux

FreeNX: Homepage
FreeNX: Download

2X: Homepage
2X: Download

Not free but the original and the best

NoMachine: Homepage
NoMachine: Download

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