- You should go here and take your IP.
- Download VNC client. It is open-source software that could be downloaded from here
if you are on normal windows XP click on this direct link here to download the last version - Restart your computer
- Tell your ip from to the person you want to invite, and share the password with him.
- You should see a new icon in you try near the clock. when this icon changes its colour, this means that someone is connected to your screen.
Here is help in Bulgarian
I don’t expect to understand what this means…. Continue reading
And what about some media PC?
I have found what I want but I cant find it in my country. Hm…any suggestions for simillar products in Bulgaria, or deliveries to Bulgaria :) ?
- Orignal idea
- Nice graphics
- Perfect scroll in the middle (check the mouse scroller)
- Some desktop wallpapers
- Photoshop tutorials
Ebook readers reviews
- – this is the reader!
- – my second favorite
- Irex iliad- 8″ dispaly, video here , zooming here – 500eur (with wifi it is 660eur)
- Sony PRS-505, video here – medium screen, $299
- STAReBOOK 6″ 800×600 pixel 4-level gray scale
- Hanlin v3(linux) 6″ screen – not good for pdfs also here
- booken – french release, 6″ screen size, full specification
- google reader – ugly and big. and not e-paper technology
- Amazon Kindle – Only usa, not good support for PDF,
My E-book device will have:
- Web-access via wi-fi or better
- PDF/WORD viewer
- Backlight
- large screen – no need to be pocket size
So I am on hold on with those devices ….
Началните адреси с много опции
- – това не е за вас, щом четете тук
- Всичко в гоогле е по-подразбиране с AND
- +дума – включва я задължитено в търсенето (използва се при често срещани фрази)
- allin(title/url/text): neshto si
пример:- intitle:”index of” “backup”
- allintitle: intitle:”index of” backup
- allinurl:admin
- какво е видял гоогле – cache:
- filetypе:pdf
- site:com – само от конкретният домайн или под-домаин ще търси за само домайна - – търси текст в описанията на линковете
- – него всичко го знаете :)
- листинг на директории
- Web cameri
- Axis Video Server (CAM) inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
AXIS Video Live Camera intitle:”Live View / – AXIS”
AXIS Video Live View intitle:”Live View / – AXIS” |
AXIS 200 Network Camera intitle:”The AXIS 200 Home Page”
Canon Network Camera intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl
Mobotix Network Camera intext:”MOBOTIX M1” intext:”Open Menu”
Panasonic Network Camera intitle:”WJ-NT104 Main Page”
Panasonic Network Camera inurl:”ViewerFrame?Mode=”
Sony Network Camera SNC-RZ30 HOME
Seyeon FlexWATCH Camera intitle:flexwatch intext:”Home page ver”
Sony Network Camera intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
webcamXP “powered by webcamXP” “Pro|Broadcast”
Canon ImageReady intitle:”remote ui:top page”
Fiery Printer Interface (“Fiery WebTools” inurl:index2.html) |
“WebTools enable observe, , flow print
Konica Printers intitle:”network administration” inurl:”nic”
RICOH Copier inurl:sts_index.cgi
RICOH Printers intitle:RICOH intitle:”Network Administration”
Tektronix Phaser Printer intitle:”View and Configure PhaserLink”
Xerox Phaser (generic) inurl:live_status.html
Xerox Phaser 6250 Printer “Phaser 6250” “Printer Neighborhood”
Xerox Phaser 740 Printer “Phaser® 740 Color Printer” “printer named:
“ phaserlink
Xerox Phaser 8200 Printer “Phaser 8200” “© Xerox” “refresh” “ Email
Xerox Phaser 840 Printer Phaser® 840 Color Printer
Xerox Centreware Printers intext:centreware inurl:status
XEROX WorkCentre intitle:”XEROX WorkCentre PRO – Index”
- Axis Video Server (CAM) inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
Ето и четивото от където измъкнах тази статийка
If you want to generate some sort of chunks from a large strings you can use the following method.
You give as a param an array of arrays, each array is pointing with % the start position of the chunk and the last position.
class String
def String.random_alphanumeric(size=16)
(1..size).collect { (i = Kernel.rand(62); i += ((i < 10) ? 48 : ((i < 36) ? 55 : 61 ))).chr }.join
def chunkanize(parts = [[0,4], [48, 52], [95, 100]])
return [self] if self.size <= 1
# working with words
terms_array = self.split(/ /)
join_type = " "
# working with letters
if terms_array.size <= 100
terms_array = self.split(//)
join_type = ""
one_percent = terms_array.size.to_f / 100
parts.collect do |part|
start = part[0]
stop = part[1]
terms_array[(start * one_percent)..(stop * one_percent)].join(join_type)
Why you should avoid Bulgaria for your vacation.
- If you reserve an apartment or house this doesn’t mean that you will stay for the whole period of the reservation. Also the prices are changing every day and you will be nice surprised that you must pay more at the end of your visit just because the neighborhoods have been rised the prices.
- The restaurants are awful, all of them know that you would not return, so they serve outdated food and behave with you like scum.
- The car driving is dangerous because there are no rules on the roads. No cops are looking for the law, at least they are sitting in the shadow and feeling well while a few meters of them is happening situation.
- There is no normal roads in Bulgaria you will break your car or amortize it with 5 years for a single trip.
- The beach is dirty. The sea is dirty and crowd. Newer hotels that are build at the seashore have thrown their rubbish at the sea, and you will find with the sand some terracotta pieces etc.
- The ski lifts are expensive and crowded, you pay, and then wait on big tail go get on the lift.
- Skiing pists and Sea hotels are build on protected territories which becomes dirty and crowded in a few months.
- The prices on the holiday resorts in Bulgaria are doubled for foreigners and to keep the native citizens away.
- People are not nice. It is a fake legend that the Bulgarians are nice housekeepers.
- If you plan to use taxi you will be 100% cheated if you don’t speak Bulgarian.
Please share with me your experience with your vacation in Bulgaria, negative or positive.
more here
I have changed the DNS at my home network to point to
Those guys claim that they will prevent access to the bad places of Internet. Lets check…
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