One can send a bunch of key => values to zabbix with the zabbix-trapper items.
Using this nice article as a base I have packed everthing in a class so that you can use it:
Example usage:
values = { total_ram: 0, wrong_data_center: 0, linode_hosts: 0, missing_from_zabbix: 0, missing_from_graylog: 0, } zabbix_sender =['zabbix_server']) zabbix_sender.message('super_druper_hostname', values)
require 'json' class ZabbixSender def initialize zabbix_host @zabbix_host = zabbix_host end def message hostname, values values_with_host = with_host(hostname, values) params = { "request" => "sender data", "data" => values_with_host, } body = JSON.generate params data_length = body.bytesize data_header = "ZBXD\1".encode("ascii") + \ [data_length].pack("i") + \ "\x00\x00\x00\x00" data_to_send = data_header + body send data_to_send end private def with_host hostname, hash values = [] hash.each_pair do |key, value| values << { key: key, value: value, host: hostname, } end values end def send data_to_send socket =, 10051) socket.write data_to_send.to_s response_header = socket.recv(5) if not response_header == "ZBXD\1" puts "response: #{response_header}" raise 'Got invalid response' end response_data_header = socket.recv(8) response_length = response_data_header[0,4].unpack("i")[0] response_raw = socket.recv(response_length) socket.close response = JSON.load(response_raw) end end