Yes you need two bind instances
When you register a domain name you provide two nameservers.
Those nameservers the registrarar will know their ip addresses.
in my example the domain is and the nameservers are and
Both nameservers are running on signle debian machine. I have started two bind processes on the machine. one is binded to the external interface and is to the other (backup) internet interface.
Here is a tool to check your domain name
Here is example zone file
here are the configuration files.
The good think is when the first internet connection is down, the second will still serve your clients.
Bonus links
Go and switch to tinydns – people say it is much easier to configureĀ
dns zone generator
J March, 2009 at 2:47 am
And your setup is working ?
I want to move my webhost at home and i’m thinking about using a backup internet connection .. from here will result 2 ips.
first ip from the main ISP and the second ip from the back-up connection.