From today we will start to publish some interesting links found during our software development practice.

Lets start

Guy build his CV as a game. :: #tutorials, #game, #javascript
It is not user friendly, don’t do it. Nice tutorial
Game/CV at:
Video at:
A lot of game tutorials at his youtube channel

Golang youtube channel. :: #tutorials, #youtube, #golang

Detective social game walk-trough. :: #youtube, #games
Fun to watch. Nice game review channel.

CUID2 vs UUID2. :: #web, #security
CUID2 – shorter, no collisions, hard to generate
Example CUID2: c00-v4-abcdefgh12345678
UUID – longer, collision, easy to generate

Fun codding problems from Easy to hard :: #tutorials, #interview

React porfolio website :: #javascript, #web-design
The guy stole a lot of elements and put a portfolio. There is nice discussion.
Discovered also this amazing website: and wiscaksono-site github, it uses the for the coding statistics.

reflow :: #web, #css
A reminder that reflow is a negative effect on performance.

Richardson Maturity Model :: #web, #api
A [maturity model]( for REST APIs
– level 0 – random urls,
– level 1 – resources
– level 2 – resources + verbs